“Humanitarians, from all countries and cultures, seek to serve victims of crisis. Without some common understanding of necessary knowledge, skills and common standards, the disaster victim is at the mercy of the vagaries of personal whim, political expediency and well meaning, but possibly ineffectual, action.” This statement is from a 2004 article in The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, but it is still true today. In 2019, there is still a need for humanitarian assistance. There is still a need for humanitarian workers. And there is still a need for good ways to train them. To read the entire article, click here.
Humanitarian U is an Initiative at NextGenU.org. Our mission is to democratize education globally and to improve the health and well-being of humanity and the planet. NextGenU.org promotes research and development of knowledge assets that contribute to solving global challenges related to human and planetary health and education and supports efforts to advance education for all to help people build better lives.