“The World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine is a multidisciplinary professional association whose mission is the global improvement of prehospital and emergency healthcare, public health, and disaster health and preparedness.”
In April 2017 Humanitarian U teamed up with Massachusetts General Hospital and McMaster University to host a pre-Congress workshop on issues relating to Emergency Medical Team (EMT) training. The workshop was attended by 30 key stakeholders from the private sector, NGOs, government, the UN and other public organisations. There was representation from North America, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Sweden and the UK.
Outputs of the day included a training mapping survey, current EMT initiatives and identification of gaps and recommendations for key training components regarding common standards and content for EMTs.
One of the key priorities that was highlighted was the importance of context specific team training and simulation based training. Outputs of the workshop were presented during the WADEM Congress. As next steps, the outputs of the workshop will be published as a special report in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. In addition a training working group will be established in the Americas.