With learners in every country and through 314 universities, we offer health sciences courses (with free certificates), including clinical courses for physicians and other health providers, materials for a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing curriculum with our partners at Nurses International , and Graduate Medical Education. We have also created the world’s first free full curriculum for a Master’s Degree in Public Health, and an independent learning community at Public Health U to facilitate public health learners from a variety of settings worldwide.
NextGenU.org partners with and is sponsored by the Annenberg Physician Training Program: Abstinence-Based Recovery from Addictive Disease to create courses, curricula, and programs to train physicians and their teams to prevent and treat substance use disorders. Our funders and partners also include CDC, Harvard, NATO, Stanford, and WHO.
This free model has been successfully tested in North American medical and public health arenas with students, and in community health workers and primary care physicians in Kenya and in India – showing identical knowledge gain and greater student satisfaction compared with traditional courses, positive effects on complex health worker behaviors (like counseling) and attitudes (like stigma), and the creation of a global community of learning and practice. Courses are competency-based, ranging from undergraduate and community health worker training through graduate medical education, and include a local or global peer community, along with skills-oriented mentorships. Please contact us here or browse our available courses.